Thursday, October 2, 2014

Why you should never ask, "When are you going to have a baby?" AKA my ova is my business!

It seems bizarre to me that in this day and age a person would have the audacity to ask that question! It is one thing if your immediate family does it or best friend, but aquaintences!? Steer clear. This is such a touchy subject, why would you stick your nose where it doesn't belong?

 There are many people who are unable to have children for various reasons. Maybe your question is upsetting to them and is a constant reminder that they are unable to bear children. The birage of questions come as soon as you get engaged and don't end until you have one...then it's, "When are you going to have #2?"

Please think the next time you are asking the question. Maybe this person doesn't want kids and is insulted that you assume that every person has the desire to be a parent. You are asking for a debate at that point.

Lots of people cannot afford a child. They are not being selfish. They are thinking about the well-being of the family as a whole.

It could be that the person isn't ready. If that is the case, is it really your business to know why they aren't ready? The kid business is so strong and people often forget that not everyone has to have a kid the second they get married, or ever.

As a newly married woman, I have received an average of 10 inquiries about the status of my ova a month. My ova is my business!

Please, I beg of you, think before you speak. Your words can be more damaging or frustrating than you know!

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