Sunday, January 4, 2015

Making Someone's Wish Come True!

It's no secret that I love to volunteer. In the past year, I have done a lot of great volunteer events. I volunteered with Mano A Mano sorting medical and school equipment for impoverished rural Bolivia. I helped make cookies at the Cookie Cart and educate teens who are gaining work, life and leadership skills through experience and training in a Minneapolis bakery. I was Co-Chair of the American Heart Association's Community Teams for the 2014 Heart Walk and am Chair of the team this year (join us April 25th!). I am an eMentor for BestPrep in Minnesota. I supplemented a child's wish through the Make-A-Wish Minnesota Foundation. That's what I'll be focusing on today, since it was such a fun experience!

I tend to think of volunteering like this quote from David Thomas,
Unselfish and noble actions are the most radiant pages in the biography of souls.
If I am capable to volunteer - to make a change in the world, I feel it is my responsibility to give back. Whether it's something big or small, it is worth it. Whether you volunteer for selfish reasons or noble reasons, it's all the same. You are helping. Volunteerism is selfish, in a way, so there's no harm in feeling bad about it. It gives you joy and a feeling of fulfillment. Even the Harvard Health Publications have proven your happiness can be dramatically changed by volunteering, even more so if you do it on a regular basis! The act of helping others can reduce your stress. It can also help you network and meet new people. There are many selfish reasons to do it, so don't feel bad.

Whatever your reasons, as long as you are helping, I approve!

I wanted to show you one of my favorite things I did this year. It was the first year I volunteered to help with Make-A-Wish Minnesota. It definitely won't be my last! There are so many opportunities to volunteer with Make-A-Wish, I highly suggest checking them out. It's not all money based. There is a great mix of things you can do for them. What I did, was supplement a wish for a young 6 year old from Minnesota. His name is Jett. I never met him, but I felt connected to him as soon as the Make-A-Wish sent me his story. I won't share it all here, but I will say that he is a wrestling fan. Most of you may not know this, but I am a wrestling fan. I started watching the WWE when I was in 6th Grade. My husband is a former Pro Wrestler. We watch WWE every Monday night, haha. It's a fun little tradition. Anyway, Jett, is also a huge WWE fan. His wish was to meet the current Tag Team Champions, The Usos.

The opportunity to supplement his wish was great. I got to pick out lots of fun goodies for him to have on his Airplane Ride to Sacramento to meet them at a WWE event. The cost was small, they say a $10 grab bag. Now, I do not know how to stick to a budget like that. I just thought, he needs more! It's a long flight! Haha. I had so much fun going from store to store trying to find the perfect things for his bag!

I grabbed a bunch of stuff that he loved and put it in a few bags for him, as you can see above! I dropped it all off at Make-A-Wish and he was on his way a few days later! I got to see all the pictures from the event and the WWE posted an article about it. It was Jett and the Usos first Make A Wish! You can view the article here and see him wearing his new necklace: Circle of Champions

Check out all the ways you can volunteer with Make-A-Wish Minnesota here! There are quite a few that do not involve money, including meet and greeters, office or event volunteers.

Volunteering and It's Surprising Benefits
Authors: Joanna Saisan, M.S.W., Melinda Smith, M.A., and Gina Kemp, M.A. Last updated: December 2014.

10 Selfish Reasons to Volunteer for the Selfie Generation
March 17, 2014

Circle of Champions: USOS Grant Their First Wish
Author: Kara A. Medalis

Make-A-Wish: Types of Volunteers

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