Thursday, July 7, 2011

I lived in a really, I did. The Harry Potter castle...

In 2005, I lived in England. I made some amazing friends there and miss it often. I was fortunate enough to live in a castle. Alnwick Castle. Alnwick was one amazing place! My castle was home to the Duke and Duchess of Northumberland. Of course, they have several other homes, so I never actually saw them. I lived in the Diana Tower, upper Tower, which was a coveted location! Over the next few posts (or several posts), I am going to share my experiences, via my written journal.

I am quite excited to read what happened to me as many things are fading quickly, even if it has been only 6 years. My first post, is going to be about the language differences. Yes, I know, the English speak English. However, we all know some of the differences, such as the "lou" or "sloshed," but these are ones that you may not have heard of. The cultural differences are amazingly more complex than you would think. I hope you enjoy reliving my experiences with me!

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