Saturday, July 9, 2011

Newcastle, England - Beer and Malls! June 1, 2005 - 3:40pm

Newcastle, England - June 1, 2005 - 3:40pm
Now I've been here for a little over a week. [Hahaha, oh man, I wrote about a drama I can't write publicly. I will write around it]. On Saturday, May 28th, we all had a day trip to Newcastle [yup, the beer place], England. It hosts the largest mall in Europe and is second in the world next to the Mall of America [I guess I can say I've been to the two largest malls in the world!]. I spent the day with my two roommates, Rhea and Lindsay and one other person (unnamed).

Due to someone being unwilling to look at a map, she (unnamed) ended up taking us through a highway where there were no shoulder and definitely no sidewalk! We had a fence and a tiny ledge you could barely put one foot on. She said she had a sixth sense for directions. Ha! We were out on the highway for about 20 minutes. At one point, a Double Decker bus [yeah, they do have them!] was 5 inches away from hitting us, so that did not make me a happy camper. She tried to pull a "I know where I'm going" again, and I put a stop to that quick, by stopping in my tracks and saying I was going to look at a map because I didn't want to get stuck on the highway again [you go, girl!]! [I ended up saying some other things about the unnamed, which lead into my next discussion point].

I have been sick with the "castle cold" since the first day I got here. Luckily, my sore throat is gone. The "castle cold" is from the mold spores, that I am not used to. I mean, this is a castle that is over 1,000 years old [still amazes me]!

[I keep reading more about what I wrote about this unnamed person and it is sooo funny. I wish I could write about it. I did cry on this day for the first time in front of my roommate, Rhea. I was embarrassed, but the unnamed person really hurt my feelings.] I told the academic director, Wade, why I didn't want this person traveling with us that next weekend and he said to say the following, "The other day you really pissed me off and I can't forgive you right now, so you can't come with us!" [sound advice, haha]. That is just Wade. He has a little attitude problems sometimes, haha. Then, Roy Todd, my Contemporary Britain teacher told me not to do that [he must have been there when I was talking to Wade?]. Roy is British, so he felt it wasn't proper. The Wade said in his best British accent [Wade's American] to mock what Roy would say, "Pardon me, but my feelings were hurt the other day and if you would modify your actions, I would be pleased to offer you a second try." It was really funny!

Enough about that though [sorry you guys don't have the real scoop], yesterday, Rhea, Lindsey and I were talking about Rhea's goats and she said the funniest thing! She was talking about how goats don't like it when you touch their feet! She says this, "They're goats, ya know, they don't know why you're grabbing their feet!" It was really funny! I don't know if it really was, or if I was really tired, but either way we laughed a long time [it was funny, because as I read that I cackled and woke my dog up, I'm a little teary eyed right now, you just have to know Rhea]!

Our trip last Saturday was a fun one! We went many places while we were there [Newcastle]. We went to the Baltic Museum where they had an exhibit called: For every minute you are sad, you lose 60 seconds of happiness. It was about a man who lost his wife. It was photographs of her and his memories of her. It was so sweet. The exhibition upstairs was interesting because it was all based on America. Specifically, Abe Lincoln and the Civil War. It was very interesting. We also walked on the Newcastle Millennium Bridge (Gateshead). It is newer than the London Millennium Bridge and apparently, a lot nicer! It was a little scary walking on it because the entire bridge would shake. [I said something dorky here, so I am leaving it out, ha!].

This was a long post, the next one looks even longer. I am going to have to break these next ones up, I think!

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