Thursday, July 7, 2011

Long time, no see!

Ok, so I have been too busy to post...I'm sorry! I guess I will give you an update from the past few months.

1) I walked in the American Heart Association's Start! Heart Walk. I was co-captain of a team that raised $5,641.21! I personally raised $1,163.24! It is a great cause and I encourage everyone to donate or volunteer next year!

2) I was an American Heart Association All-Star again this year, for those who raise over $1,000, so I got to walk on the track at Target Field in the pre-game ceremonies on June 9th. It was awesome, just as it was last year! Here's my post about my day -Walk in pre-game ceremonies at Twins game and got on screen 4x, talked to Rene Rivera, was smiled at by Morneau and Dinkelman, kidnapped by TC Bear, watched the Twins win, took home a HR ball from BP and was in the top tweets! AMAZING DAY!

3) I'm sure I did other stuff, but I can't remember much.

I have been to several Twins games since the opener. Everyone keeps asking me how many games I have been to. I keep saying I don't want to count, because then I have to think about the money I spent. However, I think I am going to add them up right now...ok, so on my calendar I have 16, which is pretty low in comparison to what we were all thinking. It is possible that I did not put all of them in my calendar, however. Needless to say, the number is low. I will be going to many more games in the coming months.

Part of my Team...we had 50 people!

My buddy, TC, at the Heart Walk

Walking on the Warning Track at Target Field

Hey! That's me!

TC tried to steal me away...

Walking on the track next to Harmon's signature!

The ball Mark got during batting practice!

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